Pam Forsythe

Lord Dunmore and the Ethiopian Regiment


This learning module explores the Ethiopian Regiment that served during the American Revolution under Lord Dunmore, Royal Governor of Virginia.

  1. Why were African American slaves eventually allowed to serve in the Continental Army?
  2. Who was Lord Dunmore?
  3. What factors provoked Dunmore to issue his proclamation?
  4. What did the proclamation promise?
  5. What was the Virginia Congress response to the proclamation?
  6. How many slaves joined the Ethiopian Regiment? What was the significance of the slogan embroidered on their uniforms?
  7. In which battles did the regiment participate?
  8. What role did Colonel Tye play in the Ethiopian Regiment?
  9. What was the significance of the loss at the Battle of Great Bridge?
  10. What was the fate of the slaves after the loss of the British?

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