Jim Crow Laws: Pennsylvania

This list contains Jim Crow laws and anti-Jim Crow laws. (Please note the source of this list in the footnotes below.)


1867: Barred public carrier segregation [Statute]
Unlawful to exclude any person on account of color or race from riding on railroads. Penalty: $500 to be paid to injured party. Employees who violated the law guilty of misdemeanor, and could be fined between $100 and $500, or be imprisoned between 30 days and three months.

1869: Education [Statute]
Black children prohibited from attending Pittsburgh schools.

1872: Barred school segregation [Statute]
Repealed law of 1869 that prevented black children from attending public schools in Pittsburgh.

1881: Barred school segregation [Statute]
Unlawful for any teacher or school administrator to discriminate against students based on race or color.

1887: Barred public accommodations segregation [Statute]
Denial to use restaurants, hotels, railroads, streetcars, theaters, concert halls, or places of amusement to a person based on race or color was unlawful. Penalty: Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine between $50 to $100.

1911: Barred school segregation [Statute]
Banned school segregation

1935: Civil rights protection [Statute]
Outlawed racial discrimination. Penalty: Criminal prosecution.

1945: Barred public accommodations segregation [Statute]
All persons entitled to equal advantages of places of public accommodation. Penalty: Up to $100 and/or up to 90 days imprisonment.

1950: Barred school segregation [Statute]
Unlawful for school officials to discriminate.

1956: Adoption [Statute]
Petition must state race or color of adopting parents.

1957: Barred residential segregation [Statute]
Barred segregation within public housing.



"The History of Jim Crow," n.d., <http://jimcrowhistory.org> (27 November 2009).